Monday, November 7, 2011

Holo Holo to Mt Hood

Buck and I took a day off and went holo holo (going on a jaunt/a free day) to Mt Hood. About a 2 hour drive from Beaverton.
On the way up we went through the town of Boring. Here is the Boring fire department. On the other side of this sign is an announcement for the Boring Town meets. Tickled us to no end!

Snow on the trees reminded us that winter is on the way. Skidding on the road made us wish for our snow tires! Mt. Hood actually got a big dump of snow the day after we were there. We had a delicious, leisurely lunch at Timberline Lodge and then drove to Trillium Lake. Fun!

Mt. Hood.

Mt Jefferson off in the distance.

Lovely, classic Mt. Hood reflected in Trillium Lake.

Flat tire on the way 'home' in Sandy, Oregon. Hooray for triple A and Purdy's.

Our new best friend making sure all is well.

Fall Colors - Beaverton

We have heard that the fall colors were exceptionally beautiful this year. Beautiful they have been. Everywhere we drive/look there they are.

These trees were near Marnie's new home.

These beautiful trees were just around the corner from Thad's house. We exclaimed in awe every time we saw them.

Even on the ground the leaves are beautiful.

Look how well Carole matches the leaves!

Back to Beaverton

They say all good things come to an end so with that in mind I bid adieu to Quadra and the trusty Geo Tracker and drove south (in a wild wind and rain storm) to Mill Bay. Mill Bay is on Vancouver Island, just north of Victoria. It is a quicker and 'funner' connection to the Saanich Peninsula, also north of Victoria. I spent the night with Cousins Louise and George in North Saanich.
Here is the Mill Bay Ferry terminal.

This sign cracked me up. No scuba diving? As if!! cold, wet and water looks very murky.

Beautiful trees all along the highway and here at the ferry.

Here comes the baby ferry. It holds something like 26 cars.

The name of the Mill Bay Ferry...

The next morning I drove to the Inner harbour and the next ferry terminal. This time it was a big! ferry.
Cars and trucks (my little Geo is out there somewhere) in Victoria waiting for the ferry to Port Angeles.

Morning reflections in Victoria's Inner Harbour.

Here comes the Coho to pick us up.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bits of Quadra

While Buck was off on his bike adventures I was riding my bike on Quadra. Rides on the sunny days were glorious. (If you want to check out Buck's adventures go to

A boat going home at the end of the day.

One morning we had this wonderful sunrise. If you look closely you will see that cloud bank had settled in in front of Marnia and Cortes islands across the channel from us.

The colors turned to purple and the cloud bank was there.

And it stayed and picked up some pink....

And still it stayed for hours and was very fascinating and lovely.

Our dear friend Joy's lush and lovely house.

These spots are fin whales we think. They were way out in the channel but still fun to see.

The next day this humpback came along taking his/her time, probably feeding. It is always exciting to see the whales. This one we could see and hear!

While at the beach photographing the humpback going by I saw 6 seals in close to shore looking out to sea. Very unusual to see so many seals in this close and to see them with their heads above the surface so long. Keeping out of the way of the whale? The humpback is a baleen whale and they don't eat seals so either there were also killer whales (Orcas) in the area or the seals can't tell which whale is safe and which isn't.

Eagle on a totem pole at the museum in Cape Mudge Village. This is our first nation village.

Another beautiful calm evening.

Quadra's Fall Colors

We enjoyed cool weather and the fall yellows of the maples. I love the fall colors! Here is the view from my studio with the yellow maple leaves on the left and the red-purple Japanese maple leaves on the right.

Sun on the yellow leaves. Beautiful!

More sun on the tree.

Our house from the road.

A lovely old maple at the HBI (Heriot Bay Inn.)

The government wharf and some trees from the HBI.

Quathiaski Cove with its colors.

A cedar tree. Interesting the way they get spots of color especially since they are evergreens.