Wednesday, May 15, 2013

And Now Quadra

The house with its new siding and den window. Also note the deer fence.

The new living room window from the outside
We gave the living room area a facelift and created a den out of a bedroom. Here is the living room area before.
After with the new sofa and the new rocking chair made of yellow cedar
Here is the living room area before
And after
Here is the door to one guestroom, see door to the other one to the right
Door is wider and we created a den.  Door to other guestroom now opens into the den.

Before of the fake rock wall we so disliked
After with no more rocks. Yippee. It will look even better once we hang pictures.

Old window in guestroom turned into a den
New window framing the view into the yard and orchard
Buck mowing in the orchard on a sunny day. The posts are where our gate will be.

A festive gathering at the community center celebrating the last community lunch which I help with on Wednesdays

A couple of eagles checking out who is on their beach

It is spring and the flowers are blooming

Gate to the beach path and part of our new deer fence

Mr Heron

Our mountains on a sunny evening

Okay I admit it isn't always sunny around here

Rhodos in bloom

Purple starfish on our beach


Those nasty tent caterpillars who are eating the leaves and flowers on our fruit trees
A close up ... ugh!
Buck burning caterpillars. The metal wand and hose are attached to a propane tank.

Our smoking trees..yes, life is interesting here in the country.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Aloha 'Oe Until We meet Again

Many an aloha.....
Aloha 3290 and mahalo for 37 1/2 wonderful years.
Aloha Diamond Head

Aloha Waianae Mountains

Aloha downtown

Aloha cousins, Margit, Wendy and Katie
Aloha Three Sisters: Aunt Peter d. 4/1/13, Aunt Margit d. 4/24/13 and Marnie d. 12/10/12

Aloha beloved CRV
Cute Jared who bought the CRV...Aloha

Aloha Oahu Country Club

Aloha Pacific Heights

Aloha birds

Aloha friends

Aloha Shell Station
Aloha Cosette

Aloha Hill Top House
Aloha Pacific Club

Aloha Honolulu City Lights

Aloha more friends

Aloha poke towers and so much other ono food

Aloha Foster Gardens, Meg, Roger and the painting gang

Aloha dim sum, pho and Chinatown

This isn't an aloha to is a happy birthday to Polly

Aloha Nico's and Uncle's

Aloha flowers

Aloha traffic

Aloha volcano haze

Aloha Little Village

Poor friends, yet another aloha...but hey, it's all great fun.
Aloha Hawaiian rainbows

Aloha sunsets. A hui hou Hawaii
Check the next blog entry for the rest of the story.