The Cookout Clowns at work.

Saoirse and one of her million dollar smiles.

Father and daughter.

Mother and daughter in their look-alike outfits,

Sarah saying cheers.

The fire ban has been lifted so we were able to have a fire in our beach fire pit. The fire-maker is busily doing his fire thing.

The start of the party...

We had the most amazing clouds that night.

Here are more to the right of those in the previous two photos. Hard to believe they are in the same evening sky.

My attempt to paint the evening sky.

On Wednesdays we help in the Community Centre (Canadian spelling) kitchen. There is a soup lunch, three delicious soups are made each week and they are accompanied by donated desserts as well as veggie and fruit plates. Usually around 100 people show up. Payment for the lunch is by donation. It is a fun event that draws a wide assortment of residents of all ages each week. This fall a group of us created and published a cookbook featuring the soups and desserts served over the years.
Here is the rec centre.

Doni drying dishes.

Buck scraping dishes and prepping them for the dishwasher.

The cookbook committee.

Then there is apple picking... We cooked them, ate them, froze them and Mia and John took them to be made into fresh apple juice.

One beautiful apple.

Driving the Husquaverna loaded down with apples.

I've become such a confident driver that I can actually drive, smile and wave all at the same time!

Time for the annual grape crushing. Boxes bursting at their seams with what???


Buck helps lift boxes.

John pours grapes into the crusher.

The best part of the event..sampling last year's vintage and solving the problems of the world.

Hauling the juice off to our friend Gary's garage.

While he was 'batching it' Buck discovered his baking-side. Here is his now famous peach and blackberry cobbler. He picked the blackberries with his very own hands.

Taking the cobbler out of the oven.

Oh yum! Bring on the ice cream!