Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wind Storm

Storm watching is always exciting and sometimes a bit frightening. We had a huge, epic storm this January. We lost power for almost 24 hours and had lots of small branches, but no trees, down. Other people on Quadra weren't as lucky, they lost trees and were without power for several days. In fact some people lost it twice when the storm returned a day later. We have propane for heat and cooking so kept fairly warm and were able to have warm breakfast and lunch. Lights were a factor. We played a lot of cards by candle light. Lucky for us, Mia and John have a generator so they invited us to supper.
It started with rain.

Next the sea began to boil.

We knew we were in trouble when the trees started to do the hula.

Buck donned his helmet and went down to meet the surf and to toss our oyster shells into the ocean.

Check out the log and the size of the surf.

A whole tree sails by.

The force of the wind moved this log.

The sun comes out.

The surf calms down.

The storm is over. Who needs TV?

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